Citadel 7 Earth’s Secret Book Review 2
Citadel 7 Earth’s Secret Book Review 2 – Being an avid fantasy reader for many years, I was surprised to find an author in Yuan Jur that could spark new interest in the genre for me. His engaging style, originality and depth in his universe, and strongly detailed plot and characters are a breath of fresh air in a genre (fantasy fiction) that at times has seemed increasingly stale in recent years. Yuan Jur allows the reader to fully delve into his Citadel Seven universe (and beyond), providing insights into profound concepts through an entertaining cast of characters, choices and locations. His writing style is light and full of humor, which is very amiable to my tastes (a couple of reasonable comparisons in terms of style and wit are well-known authors Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman). I highly recommend Yuan Jur’s Citadel Seven novels to any fan of fantasy/sci-fi and to any reader with an eye outside of their singular world experience.
Daniel Lee