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The Citadel 7 Superverse is a multi-layered story platform

The Citadel 7 Superverse is a multi-layered story platform

The Citadel 7 Superverse is a multi-layered story platform


The Citadel 7 Superverse is a multi-layered story platform. It is the culmination of decades of study as a theologian and an ideologies and belief system researcher. It is a continuously evolving fantasy universe that explores the meaning of life and the human race as a time traveling species. It explores the life challenges the core characters encounter on many worlds and existences, as they fight, love and overcome obstacles their superverse presents. Because the characters all live across multiple timelines and planes of existence there are many adventures and stories of intrigue a reader or watcher of the series can get their teeth into. It was and is always important to me as the author that the balance of power be constantly evolving. On the surface the series is about the life and times of Commander Ben Bloch, a hybrid human carrying a very dark secret, and his race to stop the collapse of all existence.

Underneath, unfolding events have deeper meaning. Circumstances are actually fueled by the obsession of a malevolent super intelligence, a puppet master to all sentient life in the superverse. They are unable to accept flaws of any evolving species and commonly pit one against another to see how different life cycles play out, so the “flaws” can be corrected. They see all life as experimental. Species are pawns to be used to solve the question of sentient perfection. We arrive story-side at a time when unpredicted change has taken total rule out of the hands of the puppet master. Now, for the first time free will is being truly exercised by the greater masses, many of which thought free will was something they had always had. Finally, Joseph Cambell’s 12 steps of storytelling is employed to ensure continuity for the superverse to unfold.




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