Home > Yuan Jur’s tips on writing; Citadel 7 Worlds
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Yuan Jur’s tips on writing; Citadel 7 Worlds

Citadel 7 Worlds

Citadel 7 worlds for my characters’ foundation and their story I use Joseph Campbell’s 12 steps and an eagle’s view to bring everything to life. In constructing the worlds for my characters I first consider the comparison of what is ordinary for them and what is alien to them. My superverse traverses both mortal and ethereal worlds where, to Commander Bloch the paradox and reality of those two existences is a very true and normal thing. For Bloch and his crew aboard their sentient craft and for those who oppose what Bloch needs to accomplish their world is as real as ours. Approaching the Citadel 7 worlds with that in mind is the foundation that gives them life. For Commander Bloch working alongside ethereal beings and alien mortals as a human is just another day in his volatile reality. Citadel 7 environments are charged with both ordinary and puzzling life. Something Commander Bloch and those who accompany him in his quest to stop the superverse from imploding constantly discover. Bloch is a very adaptive human being; he has had to be, his dark secret and experiences of reality requires it. I work hard to ensure each race is not a clone of the one before it. They must have their own ideas on design, customs and a life that is meaningful to them. Building worlds and environments that don’t always gravitate to what humans might see as dazzling and beautiful has been my greatest and most enjoyable challenge. In short there is a symbiosis between Commander Bloch, his story and his environments. He is made more vivid because the worlds he lives in are themselves alive and evolving pushing him to constant new horizons.

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Dead Out of Time - Winter 1978. From his teens Allan Francis always stood in a doorway between the living and something else. Now his dead jailbird brother Kev haunts him day and night, blaming him for what happened.
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