Ben Zackheim – Hi. Thanks so much for letting me read this. It was a blast. Here are my thoughts:
When a writer can create another world in your head within five pages, you know he’s got it. When the same writer can pull you into the story and make you feel like you’re participating, well, I don’t actually know what to call that.
Except entertaining as hell.
With a clever trick and skilled writing, Yuan Jur grabs us from line one and eases us into the Superverse, a complex universe of cosmic power, unseen forces and, yes, bureaucracy. Frankly, I felt like I was a character in a Douglas Adams tale for the first two chapters. In a good way!
But it’s not just about world-building here. Understanding the Superverse is important, but Jur has a good story to tell, too. It follows Uniss, Dogg and Ben on a trip that, at first, leaves an impression like the magic of childhood. Uniss and Dogg are on Earth to investigate a reset of the space time continuum. They stumble on the young Ben Blochentackle and find their new partner.
Reading Enemy of Existence is a brain-bending adventure that introduces rich characters and action wrapped up in snappy dialogue and some serious wordcrafting. The story can be heartbreaking, exciting, and poignant. The fact that the core of EoE speaks to our nature and our place in the universe just shows the author’s sophistication. Jur has a lot to say. He says it well. You should listen.