Home > Citadel 7 and the Chanticleer Blue Ribbon writing competitions
Citadel 7 supports Chanticleer Blue Ribbon writing competitions

Citadel 7 and the Chanticleer Blue Ribbon writing competitions

Citadel 7 and the Chanticleer Blue Ribbon writing competitions

Citadel 7 and the Chanticleer – Author Yuan Jur has been an active participant of Chanticleer writing Competitions since 2012. After winning the Cygnus award for sci fi fantasy in 2012-13, and his series launch début October 6th, 2015 with Enemy of Existence, Yuan Jur’s 4th novel in his Citadel 7 series, Allies in Anarchy, has won the Cygnus award Grand Prize 2014. The win was announced at the Chanticleer Gala awards held in the beautiful Hotel Bellwether, Bellingham, Washington, USA on Sept 26 /2015. Citadel 7 Publisher, Promontory Press CEO Mr. Bennett R Coles, collected the Prize on behalf of author Yuan Jur.


Congratulations to all Cygnus award winners!


Yuan Jur’s Allies in Anarchy won the Cygnus Award Grand Prize over all the other first place winners for their respected category.


First Place Category Winners for the Cygnus Awards are:

• Space Opera Sci-Fi Series: Citadel 7, Allies in Anarchy, Book 4 by Yuan Jur
• Military Sci-fiction: Betrayal on Triton by Ryan Henry
• Paranormal: The Unbeliever by Zachary Kitchen
• Dark Fantasy/Gamer: Mythborn: Rise of the Adepts by Vijay Lakshman
• Epic Fantasy: Dream of a Vast Blue Cavern by Selah Tay-Song
• Speculative Fiction: The Ariadne Connection by Sara Stamey
• Mythological: The Immortal Game by Joannah Miley
• Sci-Fi: Shadow of the Last Man, Book 1 by J. M. Salyards
• SciFi/Cyperpunk: Legacy: The Biodome Chronicles, Book 1 by Jesikah Sundin
• Time Travel: Timelapse by Lorrie Farrelly
• Lab Lit SciFi: The Borealis Genome by Thomas P. Wise and Nancy Wise
• New Adult Dystopian: The Cloud Seeders by Jamie Zendt
• New Adult Sci-Fi: ISO by H.G. Bleackly
• YA Dystopian: All Is Silence by Robert L. Slater
• Best SciFi Manuscript: Natural Selection by Michael Simon

How does the Chanticleer Blue Ribbon International Writing Competitions for BEST BOOKS work?

Each work submitted enters into one of ten specific genre competitions:

1. The CYGNUS Awards for SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy
2. The JOURNEY Awards for Narrative Non-Fiction
3. The M&Ms Awards for Mystery & Mayhem Novels
4. The DANTE ROSSETTI Awards for YA and New Adult Fiction
5. The CHAUCER Awards for Historical Fiction
6. The LARAMIE Awards for Western, Pioneer, & Civil War Fiction
7. The CHATELAINE Awards for Women’s & Romantic Fiction
8. The CLUE Awards for Mystery, Thriller, Suspense Novels
9. The PARANORMAL Awards for Paranormal and Supernatural Powers Fiction
10. The SOMERSET Awards for Literary, Mainstream, & Contemporary Fiction

• These contests rotate throughout the year in order to facilitate the rounds of judging required for the competition
• Each work competed to be listed as a FINALIST within the genre competition (Finalists withstood 3 rounds of slush pile reading, a minimum of sixty pages for a work to move forward)
• Finalists are then announced in Chanticleer’s social media postings as results come in
• The OFFICIAL LIST of FINALISTS are posted on CBR’s website once all results are in
• Finalists then compete for FIRST IN CATEGORY positions within the genre competition
◦ Works continue to drop out as “saggy middles,” plots begin to wander, poor dialog creeps in, and other telltale signs begin to show
◦ An internal list of all works that were completely read by the judges and found to be of merit is made
• All completely read books are then evaluated by the all the genre competitions’ judges and individually ranked by best in category
• Works then compete for First in Category Positions for each genre
• Results are tallied and then announced in Chanticleer’s social media postings
• The OFFICIAL Listing of FIRST in CATEGORY titles and authors are then posted on the Chanticleer website
• The FIRST in CATEGORY works compete for the genre’s grand prize position

If you are a serious writer you need to be a part of this.

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