Home > Citadel 7’s Future Post California Trip 2013, what a blast!
Earth's Secret Book Review

Citadel 7’s Future Post California Trip 2013, what a blast!

California Trip 2013

Traveling to California U.S.A (from Australia) to showcase Citadel 7’s sci fi novel series potential for publication was an adventure in its own right. Having the opportunity to meet some of the best talented new authors in America and top professionals looking to help them be noticed and get published, was a game changer. The focused, positive environment provided by Algonkian Write to Market conference organizers, is a must have experience for any author serious about being published. Through openness and genuine interest from conference speakers in the works of all authors, more than just an unfiltered positive injection of industry knowledge, the experience took listeners to the epiphany line. The focused information provided a candid view and path of ascent to being published with real impact to their genre specific wider audience. As an award winning author still experiencing the quagmire of industry gray information, and being forgotten in the agent’s slush pile, the Algonkian environment set me on the right track to avoiding those dead ends hereafter. Mr. Michael Neff, founder of Algonkian writers’ conferences amongst other highly respected credits, opened a door for all in the room to know how to make being a published author real and sustainable. Over four full days, he and top publishing industry professionals provided clear insights into today’s publishing industry. We were told candidly what was expected of any author intending a serious long term career.

Speakers established for each person exactly where their current project potential stood and how to sharpen their pitch to ensure it shone for the agents and publishers attending the conference’s last day. Citadel 7’s future; C7’s award winning series has had expressions of interest. The unabridged first epic called Earth’s Secret is presently being divided into a trilogy of its own. The new Earth’s Secret trilogy will be presented to a highly respected agent and publisher in the U.S early 2014. It is to be accompanied by both a treatment and script for a C7 TV series proposal. Meanwhile the 2nd of the C7 epics Allies in Anarchy is competing in the 2014 Chanticleer Blue Ribbon Cygnus awards for science fiction. The third epic beyond the Earth’s Secret trilogy called Gates of Wrath, is pending substantive edit by series editor John David Kudrick. Without the knowledge and guidance gained from the Algonkian conference the road ahead for C7 as with all pioneering works, would have remained full of uncertainty. That is no longer the case. Return and follow the C7 progress, more to come! Yuan Jur author Citadel 7 sci fi series.

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Coming Soon!Coming Soon! Dead Out of Time


Dead Out of Time - Winter 1978. From his teens Allan Francis always stood in a doorway between the living and something else. Now his dead jailbird brother Kev haunts him day and night, blaming him for what happened.
Wanting answers, Allan returns to Adaminaby, a little town from his youth in the Australian Snowy Mountains High Country. It’s a place where mysterious deaths and missing persons go unnoticed by all outsiders.
An urban legend warns; Never have the misfortune to get lost on your way, for if the sandman finds you, you’ll never see another sunny day. To find the answers he seeks, Allan steps into a macabre struggle across two worlds. It’s a fight that threatens his very existence, and the lives of many stranded in a town beyond time.

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