Home > Citadel 7’s Vol 2; Allies in Anarchy. A Review by Nigel Cook
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Citadel 7’s Vol 2; Allies in Anarchy. A Review by Nigel Cook

Review by Nigel Cook

Vastly more original and intriguing than Game of Thrones, more mature and engaging than either Harry Potter or Star Wars, the Citadel 7 series is, I believe, destined to become the “next big thing”! After thoroughly enjoying Book 1 of Citadel 7’s series: Earth’s Secret, I eagerly anticipated Book 2 Allies in Anarchy. Second in the foundation trilogy, AIA immersed me in its visceral world environments, again inviting me to continue sharing the journey with characters I had come to love. The scope of the Citadel 7 series is so vast I thought I was prepared for anything. Yet still I was both surprised and amazed at author Yuan Jur’s ability to ramp the story to the next level. Allies in Anarchy quickly became a high octane ride through the flyways and byways of the imploding intercosmos. Intrigue and twists abound, loyalties shift resulting in bitter struggles. I found the characters’ easy to identify with. Both old and new personalities instantly came to life as circumstance complicated their experiences. All the while pace just kept building and building as tension rose until I was ultimately left asking… Where in the Superverse is Book 3? As the plot unwinds on many levels simultaneously, even though the story is fiction, I start to look at my own life in a new light.

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