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Dead End - Science Fiction, Time Travel, Paranormal Book by Yuan Jur

Dead End eBook for .99c

Dead End eBook available Feb. 28th, 2021 for just .99c!


2021 – The Year So Far


Dead End

Dead End, is on sale for .99c this Feb. 28th, 2021! More on that at the end of this post…

Well, the dreadful decaying year of Covid 19 2020 is thankfully behind us. Every industry and domestic space worldwide has been affected. So I thought it was time to add an update here. As a Sci fi fantasy author the irony for me about the past year has been that reality once again surpasses any fiction tale. In my case, I had no idea I’d be living a couple thousand klm from my former residence in Australia, which grossly interrupted my writing flow. There were major stressful events including losses of identity, and confusion over self worth. Yet out of all the chaos came some sincere blessings. I managed to finish another Citadel 7 novel “Dead Out of Time” for the series. It’s now waiting to be published. It was a fitting story since I was going through some real-world dark times. However, opportunities for my fiction series I didn’t see coming at all also surfaced. A TV pilot is under construction for the series now. My personal life found sunshine not possible in the old paradigm. It’s amazing how just the right person can truly fill your heart and shine a light on a whole new perspective on happy. With happiness comes liberation for the soul. I’m thankful for C7 crew’s dedication, and the positive people who remain, and those new energies who have gravitated to the project. A brighter future is dawning.


Sadly we had to go through the passing of our much loved Akira, our puppy person of ten years. But her passing opened the way for a homeless doggy friend Arie. She arrived via air transport a couple weeks ago and is being fostered and adding new puppy energy to our home. That’s just how 2020 rolled.


Finally, this weekend, via bookdoggy.com one of our titles, Dead End, is on sale for .99c this Feb. 28th, 2021! Jump in and get your copy to experience part of the Citadel7 Superverse. All Citadel7 eBooks in our series are presently priced at .99c for a limited time, enjoy!

Dead End eBook Book Doggy .99c Special


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Coming Soon!Coming Soon! Dead Out of Time


Dead Out of Time - Winter 1978. From his teens Allan Francis always stood in a doorway between the living and something else. Now his dead jailbird brother Kev haunts him day and night, blaming him for what happened.
Wanting answers, Allan returns to Adaminaby, a little town from his youth in the Australian Snowy Mountains High Country. It’s a place where mysterious deaths and missing persons go unnoticed by all outsiders.
An urban legend warns; Never have the misfortune to get lost on your way, for if the sandman finds you, you’ll never see another sunny day. To find the answers he seeks, Allan steps into a macabre struggle across two worlds. It’s a fight that threatens his very existence, and the lives of many stranded in a town beyond time.

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